lunes, 26 de junio de 2023

My favorite series

 My favorite series I met in 2010 thanks to my stepfather, The Walking Dead had just been released. We started watching it with my whole family, my mom, my stepfather and my younger brother. My mom was pregnant at the time and it was hard for her to watch the series because she would get nervous.

The Walking Dead is an apocalypse series, where a virus revives the dead to eat living flesh. It all starts with a policeman who wakes up after a coma locked in a hospital ward, where no one was alive, his mission begins with finding his family and when he finds them he must protect them and his entire group, as he progresses the history. they have to find safe places and fight with other groups of people to survive. From the first episode I saw I loved it, and I was always attentive when another season came out.

The series has 11 seasons so far, it has turned 13 and has been a success since its premiere, it is my favorite series and that of my family, when my younger sister was born in 2012, she began to watch it from a very young age Although it was a little scary at first. I remember many Halloweens in which we would dress up as zombies and with my mom we would learn to make very real wound makeup. My cousins ​​and aunts watch it too, it's a family treat, we're also Marvel fans.

viernes, 23 de junio de 2023

Roots restobar

Hello, today I am going to talk about Roots, my favorite restobar in Santiago is located in Bellavista.

What I like most about a place is the atmosphere and the music, and at Roots you can listen to reggae and dancehall, I love it and I feel very comfortable. The place is full of paintings on the walls of people with dreadlocks and smoking, the furniture is all made of wood and the decoration is cozy.

I always invite different people and they love the place, the one I enjoy going with the most is my partner, on weekend nights there is a DJ on the terrace, everyone dances and is very friendly.

I always ask for fries with some sauce, they are very tasty, and since I don't drink alcohol I ask for a natural juice or lemonade. But there is everything, sandwiches, pizza, beer, cocktails, among others.

I discovered it last year walking back from an LGTB+ club with my best friend, we passed by outside and my attention was drawn to the music and the paintings, since then I try to go at least once a month.

miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023

My best friend

I really like our story with my best friend, we found out about our existence in 2021 because she was my girlfriend's ex-girlfriend that year, she kept in touch and they were friends, it didn't bother me. Until we finished and in the summer of that same year I met a group of rapper and skeiter friends through a school friend. We became very close friends and the best friend of "Chino" was the ex of my ex-girlfriend. It's hard to understand, but fun.

After the New Year, on January 1, 2022, we went to an LGBT+ club in a giant group and among them was Chino and his best friend Aylin, but we call him Nemo. That night it was like we had known each other forever and she had the same connection to her best friend that I have to my best friend.

A week later I went to stay at his house and we started talking almost every day (all this was in Temuco), but this coincidence that we both studied at the university in Santiago, returning to class we started going out together to parties being the perfect duo We didn't need more people to have a great time, we made many friends who always invited us out. Many times they thought that we are girlfriends because of the chemistry we have, but we do not feel romantic love at all, we love each other like sisters.

We are both artists, she is studying Audiovisual Communication and I am Design. He loves taking pictures and he taught me a lot about it. I taught him about programs and criticism of design. Together we go to museums, rap battles, to parks at night, to dance, to viewpoints to have a beer and we always smoke together, a rapper and a hippie. We call each other “your favorite trucks” because we're male lesbians and our life together is so much fun.

Until we both faced emotional problems where we both bordered on death, but we unconditionally saved each other, Nemo returned to Temuco and I entered rehabilitation in Santiago. The last time we saw each other was two weeks ago when he traveled to Santiago to see his girlfriend and me, he stayed in the apartment for a few days, we went out dancing and spent the whole night on the terrace talking with a beer and smoking. 

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023

“Come out of the closet”

 You may have heard the saying “come out of the closet” many times, and perhaps even you have had to do it. Unfortunately we live in a society where gender is assumed for sex and heterosexuality. If you have never read an experience and you are interested in hearing one, here is mine.

Before coming out of the closet you realize that you are different from what is seen socially, this happened to me when I was 5 years old, in first grade a new girl arrived and I did not understand my need to be with her beyond the limits of a friendship, with the weeks I confirmed that it was mutual. But before the end of the year, he left, and to this day I don't know if it was because of ours.

Until I was 12 years old, I did not know what it was to be a lesbian, until new girls arrived who came from a convent school, they caused a "fashion" for being bisexual and lesbian, I say fashion because currently only two of them liked women of TRUE. I started to be homophobic with myself, that I would never like a woman (I was in love with my best friend).

Over the years I couldn't bear to hide it anymore, and at 14 I secretly had my first girlfriend, and my second girlfriend proposed to me on stage at a party, so I came out of the closet in public and on all social media haha, I finally told her to my family in a conversation in the kitchen and they told me that they already knew about it years ago, it wasn't as bad as I thought, but I was on many people's lips.

Now I'm proudly lesbian, I hope you're proud of who you are too.

martes, 6 de junio de 2023


Hello! I want to talk a little about one of my hobbies from the age of 13 until today, scout, how it works in my group in Temuco that is attached to the Mapuche culture.

 Scout is a children's and youth movement, where you commit to do good deeds and live new adventures that fill you with knowledge. And you acquire knowledge and values such as environmental awareness, leadership, teamwork, socialize, camping skills, work ethic, be proud of your culture, social awareness, among other things.

The Scout Movement was born as a way to combat crime in England at the beginning of the twentieth century, seeking the physical, spiritual and mental development of young people so that they would become "good citizens" through a specific method inspired by life. military and outdoor.

In the movement there are stages, called units from seven years to twenty-one (varies according to the scout group), in my group these units are first the swallows, girls from seven to eleven years, cubs, boys from seven to eleven years, company , girls from eleven to fifteen years old, troop, boys from eleven to fifteen years old, advanced, young people from fifteen to seventeen years old and the last one is clan, young adults from seventeen to twenty-one years old.

 The scout can be recognized by the scarves, of different colors and designs, these have meanings and characterize each scout group. Another characteristic element is the totem or void, a wooden stick adorned with skins, leather, pennants and carvings. When you finish all your stages and pilgrimages, you can be the leader of a unit and be the one who teaches.