miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023

My best friend

I really like our story with my best friend, we found out about our existence in 2021 because she was my girlfriend's ex-girlfriend that year, she kept in touch and they were friends, it didn't bother me. Until we finished and in the summer of that same year I met a group of rapper and skeiter friends through a school friend. We became very close friends and the best friend of "Chino" was the ex of my ex-girlfriend. It's hard to understand, but fun.

After the New Year, on January 1, 2022, we went to an LGBT+ club in a giant group and among them was Chino and his best friend Aylin, but we call him Nemo. That night it was like we had known each other forever and she had the same connection to her best friend that I have to my best friend.

A week later I went to stay at his house and we started talking almost every day (all this was in Temuco), but this coincidence that we both studied at the university in Santiago, returning to class we started going out together to parties being the perfect duo We didn't need more people to have a great time, we made many friends who always invited us out. Many times they thought that we are girlfriends because of the chemistry we have, but we do not feel romantic love at all, we love each other like sisters.

We are both artists, she is studying Audiovisual Communication and I am Design. He loves taking pictures and he taught me a lot about it. I taught him about programs and criticism of design. Together we go to museums, rap battles, to parks at night, to dance, to viewpoints to have a beer and we always smoke together, a rapper and a hippie. We call each other “your favorite trucks” because we're male lesbians and our life together is so much fun.

Until we both faced emotional problems where we both bordered on death, but we unconditionally saved each other, Nemo returned to Temuco and I entered rehabilitation in Santiago. The last time we saw each other was two weeks ago when he traveled to Santiago to see his girlfriend and me, he stayed in the apartment for a few days, we went out dancing and spent the whole night on the terrace talking with a beer and smoking. 

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