miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023

“Come out of the closet”

 You may have heard the saying “come out of the closet” many times, and perhaps even you have had to do it. Unfortunately we live in a society where gender is assumed for sex and heterosexuality. If you have never read an experience and you are interested in hearing one, here is mine.

Before coming out of the closet you realize that you are different from what is seen socially, this happened to me when I was 5 years old, in first grade a new girl arrived and I did not understand my need to be with her beyond the limits of a friendship, with the weeks I confirmed that it was mutual. But before the end of the year, he left, and to this day I don't know if it was because of ours.

Until I was 12 years old, I did not know what it was to be a lesbian, until new girls arrived who came from a convent school, they caused a "fashion" for being bisexual and lesbian, I say fashion because currently only two of them liked women of TRUE. I started to be homophobic with myself, that I would never like a woman (I was in love with my best friend).

Over the years I couldn't bear to hide it anymore, and at 14 I secretly had my first girlfriend, and my second girlfriend proposed to me on stage at a party, so I came out of the closet in public and on all social media haha, I finally told her to my family in a conversation in the kitchen and they told me that they already knew about it years ago, it wasn't as bad as I thought, but I was on many people's lips.

Now I'm proudly lesbian, I hope you're proud of who you are too.

1 comentario:

  1. My eldest sister came out as an adult. By that time she had already been married and divorced (due to social pressures of the past). Now she is happily ¨gay¨¨ and not only is she proud of hereslf but her son is proud of her too
