martes, 6 de junio de 2023


Hello! I want to talk a little about one of my hobbies from the age of 13 until today, scout, how it works in my group in Temuco that is attached to the Mapuche culture.

 Scout is a children's and youth movement, where you commit to do good deeds and live new adventures that fill you with knowledge. And you acquire knowledge and values such as environmental awareness, leadership, teamwork, socialize, camping skills, work ethic, be proud of your culture, social awareness, among other things.

The Scout Movement was born as a way to combat crime in England at the beginning of the twentieth century, seeking the physical, spiritual and mental development of young people so that they would become "good citizens" through a specific method inspired by life. military and outdoor.

In the movement there are stages, called units from seven years to twenty-one (varies according to the scout group), in my group these units are first the swallows, girls from seven to eleven years, cubs, boys from seven to eleven years, company , girls from eleven to fifteen years old, troop, boys from eleven to fifteen years old, advanced, young people from fifteen to seventeen years old and the last one is clan, young adults from seventeen to twenty-one years old.

 The scout can be recognized by the scarves, of different colors and designs, these have meanings and characterize each scout group. Another characteristic element is the totem or void, a wooden stick adorned with skins, leather, pennants and carvings. When you finish all your stages and pilgrimages, you can be the leader of a unit and be the one who teaches.

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