viernes, 18 de agosto de 2023


 My name is Janis, I am studying Design and I am in my third year. I am 20 years old, I was born in Temuco, in the south of Chile, but I lived 6 years of my upbringing in Calama. I arrived in Santiago to live alone in 2021, since then my life has been very nomadic, until now I have lived in 5 communes. My mom and dad have never been together since I was born, my stepfather has been with my mom since I was one year and three months old, I have an 11-year-old sister and a 14-year-old brother who live with my mom in Temuco, and 4 brothers more from my dad with whom I have no relationship. My hobbies are mainly Design, I have been working as a designer since I was 14 years old and currently I design in a beauty salon, I also sing and play some instruments, I like to make crafts like dream catchers, bracelets and braids with designs, I love going to museums and exhibitions of art. Summers I always work in restaurants and bars as a waiter, cashier, cook or bartender, to raise money and sometimes I've gone backpacking. From a very young age I go to marches for social minorities, because I am a lesbian, my family was very poor when I was born (sometimes we did not have anything to eat) and with Mapuche descent. My dream is to grow as a designer and be recognized, work for an important brand or better yet, have my own brand. Most of all, I like graphic design for events and production.

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