viernes, 7 de julio de 2023

The Blog Experience

 In general, I loved the dynamics of writing a blog about us, I never imagined that I would write in a blog because I only see them in movies, I didn't know that it is very satisfying, thanks to that I was able to write memories that I had forgotten.

My favorite publication is where I talk about my best friend, it was a pleasant moment for me to write about her and some experiences together, since I return to live in Temuco I miss seeing her often, we talk almost every day and having written about her made me remember nice moments. The post that I liked least to write was about a family meal, I don't have many in my family and since my aunt, my mom's twin sister, passed away, since then my family is sadder and we don't see each other as much as before. Remembering family meals are very old moments in my life that make me nostalgic.

The blog that I definitely liked the most is the teacher's, his life is full of experiences and travel, he must know many things about life with everything he has seen and learned.

Thanks to the blog I was able to learn more words in English and now I can understand a little more when I read it, but mainly the dynamics amused me, I think it has been one of the best ways I have learned, and in general I do not understand anything when they show only a PowerPoint and they talk, I remember nothing, but something more interactive and personal I really liked.

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