viernes, 25 de agosto de 2023

An Interesting Trip

 In the summer of 2022 I met a girl who, a few days after we met, invited me to work in a restaurant and bar in Mehuín, a town on the coast of the Los Ríos Region.

We were a crazy group from 18 to 23 years old who worked as cooks, waiters, cashiers and bartenders. At the beginning of February there was an outbreak of covid-19 that the bosses did not know how to cope with, so with my group we resigned when we were just paid, we decided to travel with our bags and without a tent. We started by taking a bus to Lican Ray, we went to the beach and we left our bags in custody because we couldn't find where to spend the night, so we were running from the police on the beach while we were drinking. We could barely sleep because of the cold so we slept on the beach in the morning and got sunburned. After resting we took a bus to Conaripe, we bought food and other things in the town to walk to a cabin far from the town. At night we had a barbecue and drank, we slept late to have energy to be able to walk to Lake Pellaifa, the walk was difficult and we stopped to refresh ourselves in a small river. Pellaifa Lake is beautiful and the sand delicious, we met more people our age and spent the night around a campfire and sleeping around it.

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