miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023


Hello colleagues and teacher, today I will talk about an Instagram social network account that I have been following for about 3 years, the page is called @rincondelrasta. Upload content about the Rastafarian religion, which is very similar to the Catholic religion, except that God is called Jah and promotes a natural and peaceful lifestyle, moving away from an electronic and evil life.

His posts are about tips for living life to the fullest "tips from a rasta", illustrations from nature and influencers in the movement, information about the conscious use of cannabis, reggae songs and also images of other rastas.

When I started to make my hippie lifestyle visible, I searched on Instagram for pages about the rasta movement to get informed and follow content that I like, then I found this account that I now visit almost every day, what I like the most are the illustrations and the posts of life advice. They always publish information on how the fight for the legalization of marijuana and the release of prisoners for sowing is going, a topic that personally interests me a lot because conscious smoking accompanies this full lifestyle and for Rastas it is part of religion.

Life advice can help you if you care to read it.

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