jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2023

Something you enjoy doing outdoors

 When I lived in Temuco and it didn't rain, what I liked to do most outdoors was ride my bike and since I came to Santiago, I don't do it because I couldn't bring my bike. Since Temuco is smaller, it took me half an hour to get from one end to the other, the only bad thing was the ups and downs, and especially the dirt roads, that is why my bicycle was made for all types of terrain.

With my friends we always went to the so-called “Portal de la Frontera”, a field in the middle of the city where the owner allowed young people to spend the afternoons there with the condition of leaving everything clean. We went on weekend afternoons by bike, We met on the bike path, the path to get to the center of the field was a little dangerous and complicated to pass with the bikes, but we always made it, over time they made a small track with obstacles to do tricks with the bikes. It was a meeting point for all the people who moved around the city by bicycle. I miss it a lot, but I'm afraid to ride a bike in Santiago with how dangerous the streets are and how people drive.

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