jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2023

A little bit of Chile

 I really like improvised trips, where I didn't expect to spend time of my life in those moments. This was one of my best trips, I made a friend in December 2021 and in January 2022 she offered me to go work in the summer with some friends in Mehuín, a small tourist town at the beginning of the Los Lagos Region. I accepted and two days later we traveled by car from Temuco, the road was beautiful, full of misty mountains and planted fields. We spent two months working in a restaurant there, and in our free time we took advantage of the beach and climbed the hill to enjoy the view.

There were 3 of us living in one room, my friend, her best friend and I, and in another some friends who were a couple, we became very close and really enjoyed the plans on the beach. The energy of the area, the sea and the trees calmed and healed my mind a lot. It was an experience that I would like to repeat, return to Mehuín and many more towns to stay for a while and get to know each other. I also met nearby towns such as Queule, La Barra and San José de Mariquina, as well as incredible people and the tourists I served at the restaurant.

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