viernes, 13 de octubre de 2023


 Learning another language besides Spanish has always been a challenge for me, my family is from the countryside and no one speaks fluent English. I don't have a good foundation of English, I don't even know what many animals are called and I never learned the verb to be, my teachers always taught me rules and memorizing words, a big problem because I have a bad memory. All my time at school I tried to just pass English and I didn't learn anything, my teachers weren't my nice ones either.

Before entering university I decided to learn as much as I could, finally it helps me to be able to work with foreign companies in the future, in English 1 I was with a very dynamic teacher who made us participate a lot, but English 2 I had with a teacher who I took classes with presentations and explained how at school, I became so disenchanted with English that I didn't take it again until this year, but during that time without English classes, I started watching more movies and series in English, as well as tiktok and memes, Now I can understand better when they speak to me in English and what I read. My biggest problem is writing it and especially speaking it, I can't generate a sentence at the moment. Blogging has helped me read more and write, although I'm not sure if it's okay how I write everything.

I know that it will take me many years to learn English well, I have thought that the best thing would be to go to a British country, although I am not interested in living in a country like that, I would like it for the experience and to learn.

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