miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2023

En el Aire of Nonpaladice

This song has been in my memory since I was little, because my parents listen to reggae but the first time I heard the song was one day dancing to reggae songs with mi ex-girlfriend in her room. We both liked it because we connected when we heard ir together and the lyrics identified us. The song is about how two people find themselves among so many people, and since the relationship continues despite how difficult it is, the phrase "between the ground and the sky, there we go floating in the air" for us means that we are our place safe, and united like the beating of our hearts. Now I listen to it at least once a day.



1 comentario:

  1. I don´t know this song but I love reggae. I've seen lots of amazing raggae artists live plus I used to sing in a reggae band in Spain when I was younger (don´t worry, I sang in English not Spanish).
