viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2024

A Good Friend

 Parte 1: Summary

Friendships are very important for mental and physical health, during any period of life, as children, at school or work, even online. A friendship arises from common interests and enjoying spending time together. We learn to think about other people, even if they are different from us. This is why the UN declared July 30 as its International Day of Friendship in 2011. After the first idea of a celebration in 1958, the World Friendship Crusade lasted a week. It was organized by Dr. Ramón Artemio Bracho and his friends in Puerto Pinasco and Paraguay. Then it spread to different countries that celebrate it on different days, between July 20 and the first week of August. Others celebrate it on February 14. People usually celebrate this day by getting together with their friends and giving each other small gifts, or sending cards and greetings over the Internet. 

Parte 2: A Good Friend

My 4 legged old man, his name is Jupiter, but I call him Pupi, Chupiter or Mi Vaquita. He is 9 years old and his birthday is January 8, when he is happy he likes to lick a lot of fur, that's why I call him Chupiter and I call him Vaquita because he is black and white and he likes to eat grass. I met him because his mother is my older cousin's dog, she had a litter of 6 puppies and I kept the oldest one, he was very sweet to give him as a present and the family was very fond of him. When you meet him he is very scary, his bark is loud and it seems that he is going to bite you, especially men, but he has never bitten anyone, he only defends the house. He is very friendly, he likes affection and to lie down all day, he doesn't like to go for walks, he is happy inside the house and in the yard. When we lived together he would stay with me all night while I smoked out the window and listened to reggae, then we got cold and he would cuddle under the sheets with me, he would make a nest in my feet and stay there. Now that he is older he doesn't like the smell of cannabis, but he still sleeps with me. 

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2024

New York Webquest

1.1 Statue of Liberty $25.30 and Ellis Island $75.00

1.2 To get there you must follow the path from Clastle Cliton to the Statue of Liberty and the Ellis Island Ferry screening Facility.

2.1. Sore to the subway 5 Av/59 St of N line and R line. 

3.1. $30 for adults; $22 for seniors; $17 for students and free for Members, Patrons, children under 12, and a caregiver accompanying a visitor with a disability.

3.2 The nearest subway stations are Far Rockaway Branch, Hudson, Port Washington Bramch and Ronkonkoma Branch.

4.1.  The subway lines that stop near Times Square are: 42nd Street, Port Authority (8th Avenue): A, C, E. 50th Street (8th Avenue): C, E. 42nd Street, Times Square (Connects to 42nd Street, Port Authority): N, Q, R, 1, 2, 3, 7, S. 50th Street (Broadway): 1, 2, 3. 49th Street (7th Avenue): N, Q, R

5.1. Adult $79.00, Child $73.00 and Senior $77.00

5.2. There are three options: 1. From 123 or ACE lines, exit the train at 34nd Street – Penn Station. From Penn Station, it’s a five-minute walk to the building entrance. 2. From the NQRW or BDFM lines, exit the train at 34th Street – Herald Square Station. From Herald Square, it’s a five-minute walk to the building entrance 3. From the 456 or 7 lines, exit the train at Grand Central Terminal. From Grand Central, it’s a 10-minute walk to the building entrance.

6.1. General admission adult $25, senior student $20, children $14 and members free, for people who do not reside in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut the ticket price increases $2.Plus one exhibition costs adult $5, senior student $4, children $3 and for all exhibitions adult $10, senior student $8, children $6, additional to the general price.

6. 2. Get to the subway 81 St of B line.

7.1. Free pass

7.2. Subway: 14th St & 8th Ave, 23rd St & 8th Ave, 14th St & 7th Ave, 18th & 7th Ave, 23rd St & 7th Ave, 34 St Penn Station and 34th St - Hudson Yards.


viernes, 16 de agosto de 2024

A fun day out with friends

Last weekend, we went with my group of friends to te disco that we liked the most last year Coco, the problem is that they closed ir a couple of months ago and now they do it in the Limón disco, since the bar is 300 pesos and it is free pass, we go the same. 

My friends are 8 lesbian and bisexual women, Mara, Vere, Andrea, Carla, Vicky, Feña, Javi and me. I met Mara in march of last year and a few months later she introduced me to Feña, in less than a month we formed a group between old friend of some and new friend of the disco. Since September 1 of last year we have completely formed the group, we connect with each other and we just love. 

 We really like to dance together and sing the songs loudly. On this occasion, carla broke up with her girlfriend, so we wanted to get drunk with her. While we were drinking the fourth glass, I met a friend from 2 years ago, Dania, as she knows the whole group, she stayed dancing with us. When we were drunk and happy we decided to include Dania in the group, we finished partying at the disco and we went to my apartment. 

I discovered Noodles with a red sauce of vegetables and Viennese, my friends loved them, and we all settled down to sleep together in the apartment.

jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2023

Something you enjoy doing outdoors

 When I lived in Temuco and it didn't rain, what I liked to do most outdoors was ride my bike and since I came to Santiago, I don't do it because I couldn't bring my bike. Since Temuco is smaller, it took me half an hour to get from one end to the other, the only bad thing was the ups and downs, and especially the dirt roads, that is why my bicycle was made for all types of terrain.

With my friends we always went to the so-called “Portal de la Frontera”, a field in the middle of the city where the owner allowed young people to spend the afternoons there with the condition of leaving everything clean. We went on weekend afternoons by bike, We met on the bike path, the path to get to the center of the field was a little dangerous and complicated to pass with the bikes, but we always made it, over time they made a small track with obstacles to do tricks with the bikes. It was a meeting point for all the people who moved around the city by bicycle. I miss it a lot, but I'm afraid to ride a bike in Santiago with how dangerous the streets are and how people drive.

A Chilean Landmark

 The Moon Valley is on the way to San Pedro from Calama, it is a desert area and a tourist attraction point, it is characterized by its enormous dunes, valleys and hills of salt, rock and sand, simulating the rocky texture of the Moon's soil. .

When I lived in Calama in 2010 until 2016 we spent almost every weekend along that road to go to San Pedro, and we always stopped to see the view for a while. There is a small stop on the side of the street where cars stop so that people can get out and watch. With my stepfather, my sister and my brother we slid along the sand to explore a little, while my mother stayed in the car. . The people in the sector knew the roads and how to get back on the road, I never saw trash lying around despite it being so touristy.

What I liked most was not only the beauty of the desert, but its combination with the sky, being so many meters above sea level, the sky looked closer, and the sunsets in the Valley of the Moon were one of the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen, full of purple, pink, orange and yellow tones.

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2023

A little bit of Chile

 I really like improvised trips, where I didn't expect to spend time of my life in those moments. This was one of my best trips, I made a friend in December 2021 and in January 2022 she offered me to go work in the summer with some friends in Mehuín, a small tourist town at the beginning of the Los Lagos Region. I accepted and two days later we traveled by car from Temuco, the road was beautiful, full of misty mountains and planted fields. We spent two months working in a restaurant there, and in our free time we took advantage of the beach and climbed the hill to enjoy the view.

There were 3 of us living in one room, my friend, her best friend and I, and in another some friends who were a couple, we became very close and really enjoyed the plans on the beach. The energy of the area, the sea and the trees calmed and healed my mind a lot. It was an experience that I would like to repeat, return to Mehuín and many more towns to stay for a while and get to know each other. I also met nearby towns such as Queule, La Barra and San José de Mariquina, as well as incredible people and the tourists I served at the restaurant.

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2023

A family member or a relative

 Hello! Today I will talk to you about my younger sister, I have two brothers from my Mom, a 14 year old brother and our 11 year old younger sister, Eluney. He lives in Temuco with our brother, my mother and my stepfather. Since she was born I had the responsibility of taking care of her much of the time, her nickname since she was a baby is “Flea”, because she was always very small and with a strong character, we also call her “Luna” or “Elu” we basically do not look alike  in nothing, but psychologically yes, she never remains silent with her opinion, she is very mature for her age, she likes to have deep conversations, we tell her that she is “chora”, she is quite angry, she is very funny and always makes us laugh with what what he says or does, he really likes music and learns all the lyrics to the songs, he likes to put together small structures, paint, he is always doing some craft and spends a lot of time on social networks.

I haven't seen her for 3 months, since I left home 3 years ago she misses her a lot, it must be difficult for her that her older sister, who largely raised and took care of her is no longer here, now I see her about 4 times a anus. I always send him Tik Tok videos and memes on WhatsApp, and sometimes we talk on video calls. My mother tells me that I am her example to follow, she also wants to study design, but in fashion, she likes to dress in very big clothes and as much as possible as a “man”, she wears the clothes that no longer fit our brother, when she found out I started wearing boxers, she wanted too, a couple of years ago she told me that she is bisexual and I gave her an LGBT+ flag that she now has hanging in her room. I am excited to talk about her because she is my baby and I miss her a lot, I would like to be there for her at this stage of her life, especially when in a few years she enters adolescence. Every time I go to Temuco and arrive in the morning, I go to sleep with her to wake her up and we cook something sweet together for breakfast. I have always spoiled my brothers by cooking pastries and Eluney learned many of my recipes that she now makes alone.

viernes, 13 de octubre de 2023


 Learning another language besides Spanish has always been a challenge for me, my family is from the countryside and no one speaks fluent English. I don't have a good foundation of English, I don't even know what many animals are called and I never learned the verb to be, my teachers always taught me rules and memorizing words, a big problem because I have a bad memory. All my time at school I tried to just pass English and I didn't learn anything, my teachers weren't my nice ones either.

Before entering university I decided to learn as much as I could, finally it helps me to be able to work with foreign companies in the future, in English 1 I was with a very dynamic teacher who made us participate a lot, but English 2 I had with a teacher who I took classes with presentations and explained how at school, I became so disenchanted with English that I didn't take it again until this year, but during that time without English classes, I started watching more movies and series in English, as well as tiktok and memes, Now I can understand better when they speak to me in English and what I read. My biggest problem is writing it and especially speaking it, I can't generate a sentence at the moment. Blogging has helped me read more and write, although I'm not sure if it's okay how I write everything.

I know that it will take me many years to learn English well, I have thought that the best thing would be to go to a British country, although I am not interested in living in a country like that, I would like it for the experience and to learn.

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2023

A Job


In my short life I have had several jobs, opportunities came my way from the age of 14 and I took them. I started as a graphic designer for events and producer of youth events in Temuco, I loved that job, but I didn't like the weight of time and being known. At the age of 17 during a pandemic I began to design and analyze the programming of a video game. As soon as I turned 18 I was able to enter the best restaurant bar in Temuco as a waiter, later in a brewery and then a cocktail assistant, the second restaurant I worked in I was a waiter, cashier, cook and bartender (I knew how to prepare at least 10 types of drinks) . In addition to supporting myself as an independent designer, I now work as a graphic designer in two stores in Alameda.

I always wanted to learn more to be a professional bartender, after finishing university I want to take a bartender course, a co-worker taught me all the meaning and science of making drinks, the importance of media, the shake, the amount of ice, details that make a perfect drink. It is a skill that I would love to have, also learning the bartender show stunts that I have seen, like Daniela Istrate, a well-known barwoman on TikTok, works in the finest bars in the United States, with incredible skill both in preparing her drinks and in their shows. Here I leave you a video of her. 

My interests in skills to learn or develop meet only one requirement, being able to do it anywhere in the world, and thus be able to travel and live wherever I want knowing that I can have a job anywhere.

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2023

A Festival, Exhibition, Concert or Show You Saw

 I've been to very few concerts, for money and because I'm not a big fan of singers. The only one that I remember clearly and it was the one that moved me the most, was the Dread Mar I concert on August 6, 2022. I tried to raise the money since they launched the event, I was ready for anything and I didn't mind going alone.

Two days before I gave up buying the ticket, but that same day my mom's best friend went to visit us, I told her about the concert and she said "you can't miss the concert of your only favorite singer", I bought the ticket. entry quickly through the page. The day before the concert another friend of my mom's speaks to us and says that a friend gave her 5 tickets that she won in a contest. I finally went with my mom, her best friend and her boyfriend, and two friends who are also fans of Dread Mar I.

Before entering the show we smoked with my mom and our friends, in the middle of the show all the people started smoking inside the stadium. You would think that I would scream and cry with emotion, but no, I was captivated and grateful to be able to listen live to a person who transmits so much to me with his voice and the lyrics of his songs, enjoy all the songs and dance relaxed. One of my goals is to see him again with the love of my life who identifies me with all the love songs of Dread mar I.

viernes, 25 de agosto de 2023

An Interesting Trip

 In the summer of 2022 I met a girl who, a few days after we met, invited me to work in a restaurant and bar in Mehuín, a town on the coast of the Los Ríos Region.

We were a crazy group from 18 to 23 years old who worked as cooks, waiters, cashiers and bartenders. At the beginning of February there was an outbreak of covid-19 that the bosses did not know how to cope with, so with my group we resigned when we were just paid, we decided to travel with our bags and without a tent. We started by taking a bus to Lican Ray, we went to the beach and we left our bags in custody because we couldn't find where to spend the night, so we were running from the police on the beach while we were drinking. We could barely sleep because of the cold so we slept on the beach in the morning and got sunburned. After resting we took a bus to Conaripe, we bought food and other things in the town to walk to a cabin far from the town. At night we had a barbecue and drank, we slept late to have energy to be able to walk to Lake Pellaifa, the walk was difficult and we stopped to refresh ourselves in a small river. Pellaifa Lake is beautiful and the sand delicious, we met more people our age and spent the night around a campfire and sleeping around it.

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2023


 My name is Janis, I am studying Design and I am in my third year. I am 20 years old, I was born in Temuco, in the south of Chile, but I lived 6 years of my upbringing in Calama. I arrived in Santiago to live alone in 2021, since then my life has been very nomadic, until now I have lived in 5 communes. My mom and dad have never been together since I was born, my stepfather has been with my mom since I was one year and three months old, I have an 11-year-old sister and a 14-year-old brother who live with my mom in Temuco, and 4 brothers more from my dad with whom I have no relationship. My hobbies are mainly Design, I have been working as a designer since I was 14 years old and currently I design in a beauty salon, I also sing and play some instruments, I like to make crafts like dream catchers, bracelets and braids with designs, I love going to museums and exhibitions of art. Summers I always work in restaurants and bars as a waiter, cashier, cook or bartender, to raise money and sometimes I've gone backpacking. From a very young age I go to marches for social minorities, because I am a lesbian, my family was very poor when I was born (sometimes we did not have anything to eat) and with Mapuche descent. My dream is to grow as a designer and be recognized, work for an important brand or better yet, have my own brand. Most of all, I like graphic design for events and production.

viernes, 7 de julio de 2023

The Blog Experience

 In general, I loved the dynamics of writing a blog about us, I never imagined that I would write in a blog because I only see them in movies, I didn't know that it is very satisfying, thanks to that I was able to write memories that I had forgotten.

My favorite publication is where I talk about my best friend, it was a pleasant moment for me to write about her and some experiences together, since I return to live in Temuco I miss seeing her often, we talk almost every day and having written about her made me remember nice moments. The post that I liked least to write was about a family meal, I don't have many in my family and since my aunt, my mom's twin sister, passed away, since then my family is sadder and we don't see each other as much as before. Remembering family meals are very old moments in my life that make me nostalgic.

The blog that I definitely liked the most is the teacher's, his life is full of experiences and travel, he must know many things about life with everything he has seen and learned.

Thanks to the blog I was able to learn more words in English and now I can understand a little more when I read it, but mainly the dynamics amused me, I think it has been one of the best ways I have learned, and in general I do not understand anything when they show only a PowerPoint and they talk, I remember nothing, but something more interactive and personal I really liked.