viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2024

A Good Friend

 Parte 1: Summary

Friendships are very important for mental and physical health, during any period of life, as children, at school or work, even online. A friendship arises from common interests and enjoying spending time together. We learn to think about other people, even if they are different from us. This is why the UN declared July 30 as its International Day of Friendship in 2011. After the first idea of a celebration in 1958, the World Friendship Crusade lasted a week. It was organized by Dr. Ramón Artemio Bracho and his friends in Puerto Pinasco and Paraguay. Then it spread to different countries that celebrate it on different days, between July 20 and the first week of August. Others celebrate it on February 14. People usually celebrate this day by getting together with their friends and giving each other small gifts, or sending cards and greetings over the Internet. 

Parte 2: A Good Friend

My 4 legged old man, his name is Jupiter, but I call him Pupi, Chupiter or Mi Vaquita. He is 9 years old and his birthday is January 8, when he is happy he likes to lick a lot of fur, that's why I call him Chupiter and I call him Vaquita because he is black and white and he likes to eat grass. I met him because his mother is my older cousin's dog, she had a litter of 6 puppies and I kept the oldest one, he was very sweet to give him as a present and the family was very fond of him. When you meet him he is very scary, his bark is loud and it seems that he is going to bite you, especially men, but he has never bitten anyone, he only defends the house. He is very friendly, he likes affection and to lie down all day, he doesn't like to go for walks, he is happy inside the house and in the yard. When we lived together he would stay with me all night while I smoked out the window and listened to reggae, then we got cold and he would cuddle under the sheets with me, he would make a nest in my feet and stay there. Now that he is older he doesn't like the smell of cannabis, but he still sleeps with me.