viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2023

A Festival, Exhibition, Concert or Show You Saw

 I've been to very few concerts, for money and because I'm not a big fan of singers. The only one that I remember clearly and it was the one that moved me the most, was the Dread Mar I concert on August 6, 2022. I tried to raise the money since they launched the event, I was ready for anything and I didn't mind going alone.

Two days before I gave up buying the ticket, but that same day my mom's best friend went to visit us, I told her about the concert and she said "you can't miss the concert of your only favorite singer", I bought the ticket. entry quickly through the page. The day before the concert another friend of my mom's speaks to us and says that a friend gave her 5 tickets that she won in a contest. I finally went with my mom, her best friend and her boyfriend, and two friends who are also fans of Dread Mar I.

Before entering the show we smoked with my mom and our friends, in the middle of the show all the people started smoking inside the stadium. You would think that I would scream and cry with emotion, but no, I was captivated and grateful to be able to listen live to a person who transmits so much to me with his voice and the lyrics of his songs, enjoy all the songs and dance relaxed. One of my goals is to see him again with the love of my life who identifies me with all the love songs of Dread mar I.